Hi folks,

I would like to start a discussion around the future of the Mesos project.

As you are probably aware, the number of active committers and contributors
to the project have declined significantly over time. As of today, there's
no active development of any features or a public release planned. On the
flip side, I do know there are a few companies who are still actively using

Given that, we need to assess if there's interest in the community to keep
this project moving forward. Specifically, we need some active committers
and PMC members who are going to manage the project. Ideally, these would
be people who are using Mesos in some capacity and can make code

If there is no active interest, we will likely need to figure out steps for
retiring the project.

*Call for action: If you are interested in becoming a committer/PMC member
(including PMC chair) and actively maintain the project, please reply to
this email.*

I personally don't foresee myself being very active in the Mesos project
going forward, so I'm planning to step down from my chair role as soon as
we find a replacement.


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