Hi folks,

Sorry for the radio silence on my part for the last couple weeks. My Apache
emails were not getting delivered to my inbox due to some filter mixup on
my end. Sorry about that.

I've read through the various threads and here's how I summarize the
situation. We basically have 2 camps

Most existing PMC members who have chimed in so far seemed to be in favor
of moving the project to Attic. The exception is Qian (who is willing to
step up to be the new PMC chair, thanks Qian!). The main argument for this
seems to be that it'll be hard to re-activate the project at this juncture
with new PMC members / committers. Also that it signals the current state
of the project more accurately.

There are some active users in the community who would like to see this
project stay alive and are even willing to step up to become committers /
contributors. Some of these users are working for companies who are using
Mesos in production. They would like to know potential new roadmap (there
is a separate thread going on for this) and manpower needed (my take is 6-8
ppl to cover different areas of the project).

*My take:*

In addition to the public threads, we've had a thread on our private
mailing list to see which of the current committers are interested in being
active. And so far that thread has gotten *0* responses. This is
unfortunate because, except for Qian no existing committer/PMC members are
willing or able to contribute or mentor new contributors.

Additionally, the current guidelines
<http://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/committers/> we have for
adding new committers is a pretty high bar and I don't think any of the
current contributors would be immediately eligible to be voted in as
committers. This means we either need to change the guidelines or we should
have some existing committers mentor some of the contributors into
committers. Given the lack of commitment from most of the existing PMC,
this will fall solely on Qian's shoulders which is quite a burden.

Since the existing committers are unable or unwilling to mentor new
contributors into new committers, I think moving the project to attic is
the right move. If there is no objection to this, I'm happy to call a vote
for this.

We could still explore the possibility of activating "
https://github.com/mesos/mesos"; as the one true fork outside of ASF so that
the interested parties can still contribute and collaborate. And if the
project continues to thrive here, we can reach back out to ASF to
re-activate the project, down the line.


On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 7:45 AM Damien GERARD <dam...@iwi.me> wrote:

> On 2021-02-26 09:05 PM, Charles-François Natali wrote:
> > As mentioned before I'd also be happy to contribute.
> >
> > Concretely, what's the next step to move this forward?
> >
> > On Fri, 26 Feb 2021, 11:15 Thomas Langé, <t.la...@criteo.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I'm part of Criteo team as well, and as Grégoire said, we plan to
> >> support Mesos internally for some time. I would like to
> >> propose my help as well as a committer, and contribute as much as I
> >> can to this project.
> At Rakuten we also have a couple of clusters. As also mentionned before,
> happy to contribute.
> But yeah, need a plan of action :p
> >>
> >> Br,
> >>
> >> Thomas
> >>
> >> -------------------------
> >>
> >> From: Grégoire Seux <g.s...@criteo.com>
> >> Sent: Friday, 26 February 2021 11:12
> >> To: priv...@mesos.apache.org <priv...@mesos.apache.org>; dev
> >> <d...@mesos.apache.org>; user <user@mesos.apache.org>
> >> Subject: Re: Next Steps
> >>
> >> Hello all,
> >>
> >> here at Criteo, we heavily use Mesos and plan to do so for a
> >> foreseeable future alongside other alternatives.
> >> I am ok to become committer and help the project if you are looking
> >> for contributors.
> >> It seems finding committers will be doable but finding a PMC chair
> >> will be difficult.
> >>
> >> To give some context on our usage, Criteo is running 12 Mesos
> >> cluster running a light fork of Mesos 1.9.x.
> >> Each cluster has 10+ distinct marathons frameworks, a flink
> >> framework, an instance of Aurora and an in-house framework.
> >> We strongly appreciate the ability to scale the number of nodes
> >> (3500 on the largest cluster and growing), the simplicity of the
> >> project overall and the extensibility through modules.
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >> Grégoire
> --
> Damien GERARD

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