First off, welcome to the community! Your project sounds quite exciting
with such a wide range of partner organizations.

It sounds like you have existing telemetry data, already JSON objects,
which you'd like to ingest into Metron. I'd suggest starting with the
JSONMapParser and using fieldTransformations to adapt your data into the
standard Metron fields (e.g. timestamp, ip_src_addr, ip_dst_addr, etc).
There is some good documentation on setting up these parser configurations
here [1].

We are an active community so if you run into any questions just shoot an
email out to the list or join us on IRC.



On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 10:27 AM, Antonio Pérez Bautista <
> wrote:

> Hello,
> My name is Antonio Perez and I work as a developer in GMV.
> We joined the mailing list of users and developers because in our company
> we are currently developing a project called PROTECTIVE for the European
> Commission. In this project we have joined several companies from Europe (3
> NRENs, 3 academic and 4 commercial partners from 8 countries) to try to
> develop a solution designed to improve an organization's ongoing awareness
> of the risk posed to its business by cyber security attacks.
> This solution is based on improved security monitoring and increased
> sharing of threat intelligence between organizations within a community,
> and ranks critical alerts based on the potential damage the attack can
> inflict on the threatened assets and hence to the business organizations.
> GMV thinks METRON could be a good tool for the project. We would like to
> test it and try to integrate with the solution. If everything goes as we
> expect, then we will try to get the commitment of the others companies.
> For now we are working with metron-docker, and we followed the little
> example on github. So now, what we would like to do is to add our
> information on a specific json format to the METRON solution. We have not
> found examples of that and some help here could be really great.
> Thanks and regards!
> [image: cid:image001.gif@01D2FB27.1447C5B0]
> *Antonio Pérez Bautista*
> Ingeniero Tecnología y Servicios Secure e-Solutions / Technology Engineer
> and Secure service e-Solutions
> Balmes 268-270, 5ª Planta
> E-08006 Barcelona
> Tel. +34 93 272 18 48
> Fax +34 93 215 61 87
> [image: cid:image002.png@01D2FB27.1447C5B0]
> <>
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