Ok, I think what you've found here is a bug in the REPL.  I take it that
what you're looking for is JOIN( ['a', 'b'], '\\') == 'a\b' right?  That is
a valid stellar expression, BUT because the REPL seems to be trying to
interpret the \\ before it gets to stellar, it's borking something.  When I
run it in the REPL, I get:
[Stellar]>>> JOIN( [ 'a', 'b'], '\\')

Notice that > at the end.  That's the REPL asking for more input.  This is
behaving like that because we based the REPL off of a shell interpreter.
OF course, in a shell interpreter \ indicates you want to continue the
input on the next line.  We need to turn this behavior off in the REPL,

The actual functionality does work in Stellar outside of the REPL.  We
actually even have unit tests for this case:

I also just wrote a quick testcase and validated the very specific issue
that you had (note I use \\\\ because it's java.  For you, it'd be \\):
  public void testEscapedLiterals_test() {
    Assert.assertEquals("a\\b", run("JOIN(['a', 'b'], '\\\\')", new

If you used the expression as an enrichment, it should work. There's a bug,
however, in the REPL (filed @

Thanks for your careful testing!

On Tue, Aug 1, 2017 at 8:38 PM, Guillem Mateos <bbguil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to do something very simple with stellar and i'm running into
> issues, which i'd say point to a bug in stellar. I'm not very familiar with
> Antlr, so can't really tell exactly what is wrong, but based on the tests
> i've done, I'd say something it's not working properly.
> Example:
> JOIN(['a','b'],'\'')
> ouputs: a'b
> as one would expect. But then, try the following:
> JOIN(['a','b'],'\\')
> which simply fails and does not output anything when typed on the stellar
> cli (if you type another ' it throws a ParseException - no viable
> alternative).
> funny thing though, if you add another character, it does work. So:
> JOIN(['a','b'],'\\a')
> will output: a\ab
> Am I doing something wrong on how I write the escaping sequence or is this
> something that should be fixed on stellar?
> Thanks

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