that’s what i mean.
what sensor that i need if i want to do this case?
especially when i wanna parse some host logs into metron enrichment and

On Wed, 18 Oct 2017 at 01.03 Simon Elliston Ball <> wrote:

> What you want to do in this setting is just TailFile, the just push to
> Kafka. The grok piece is more efficiently handled in the Metron grok parser.
> Push to a kafka topic named for your sensor, then setup a sensor (a parser
> topology to do the grok parsing and any transformation you need). Each
> sensor gets its own parser topology.
> Simon
> On 17 Oct 2017, at 19:00, Youzha <> wrote:
> after nifi procces :
> what metron topology that i can use to procces the data in kafka? so it
> can be enrichment by metron. i’ve check the article about adding new
> telemetry source with squid, there is a squid topology that will ingest
> from the squid topic in kafka and then put on enrichment kafka topic.
> so how about my use case above? is there any topology that i can use?
> On Wed, 18 Oct 2017 at 00.30 Otto Fowler <> wrote:
>> So,
>> There are several options parsing the data and enriching.
>> 1.  A native parser ( java ), which you have noticed is not there
>> 2.  An instance of the GROK parser, with GROK rules that parser the input
>> 3.  If it is CSV an instance of the CSV parser
>> 4.  If it is JSON an instance of the JSONMap parser
>> If these cannot be applied to your file then your options are:
>> 1.  Write or open a jira for a native parser
>> 2. find a way to transform your data to one of the above formats, so you
>> can use those parsers.  This again is where nifi can help.  Something like:
>> [nifi]
>> where TRANSFORM_TO_JSON is a script processor or something built in
>> depending on your format.
>> On October 17, 2017 at 13:16:05, Youzha ( wrote:
>> Hi Lauren thx for your reply,
>> yeah your suggestion absolutely right. i was able to ingest the logs to
>> kafka. but how metron can enrich and index all of it? i think there are
>> only  bro, snort, yaf, snort, pcap, websphere topology storm on metron for
>> parsers. so, how metron can read the logs telemetry and proccess it so i
>> can use it to event correlation
>> On Tue, 17 Oct 2017 at 23.11 Laurens Vets <> wrote:
>>> Hi Youzha,
>>> Either check how the snort logs on the full dev installation are
>>> ingested (I believe it's with a script) or check the Apache NiFi project
>>> which makes it very easy to read logs from almost any format and ingest
>>> them to Metron via Kafka.
>>> On 2017-10-17 08:53, Youzha wrote:
>>> is it possible to ingest other logs like /var/log/secure for example to
>>> be new telemetry on metron? i've seen the metron architecture on the
>>> website like picture below. host logs, email, av, etc can be telemetry
>>> event buffer on metron. if this possible, could you give me some suggestion
>>> how to do it ?
>>> On Tue, 17 Oct 2017 at 21.00 Nick Allen <> wrote:
>>>> If you want to look at failed login attempts for each user over time,
>>>> then the Profiler might be a good solution.  Your profile will depend on
>>>> the fields available in your telemetry, but it would look something like
>>>> this, as an example.
>>>> {
>>>>   "profile": "failed-logins",
>>>>   "foreach": "",
>>>>   "onlyif": "source.type == 'activedirectory' and event.type ==
>>>> 'failed_login'"
>>>>   "init": { "count": 0 },
>>>>   "update": { "count" : "count + 1" },
>>>>   "result": "count"
>>>> }
>>>> You can find an introduction and more information on using the Profiler
>>>> below.
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> Best of luck
>>>> On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 4:51 AM, tkg_cangkul <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> for example,
>>>>> i wanna try to correlate between logs.
>>>>> how many times user A have login failed and how many times user A have
>>>>> login succeed. include detail IP, timestamp etc.
>>>>> is this possible to do with metron?
>>>>> On 17/10/17 02:56, James Sirota wrote:
>>>>>> What specifically are you looking to correlate?  Can you talk a
>>>>>> little more about your use case?
>>>>>> 16.10.2017, 02:23, "tkg_cangkul" <>:
>>>>>>> hi,
>>>>>>> anyone could explain me about event correlation using apache metron?
>>>>>>> does metron support event correlation?
>>>>>>> Pls Advice
>>>>>> -------------------
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> James Sirota
>>>>>> PMC- Apache Metron
>>>>>> jsirota AT apache DOT org

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