
anybody can explained to me this rule of profiler config please ?

      "profile": "failed-logins",
      "foreach": "user.name <http://user.name>",
      "onlyif": "source.type == 'activedirectory' and event.type ==
      "init": { "count": 0 },
      "update": { "count" : "count + 1" },
      "result": "count"

what is "source.type == 'activedirectory' and event.type == 'failed_login'" means? does it means the profiler will read from ES index that have condition source.type == 'activedirectory' . if yes, so i must index to ES first where source type = activedirectory ?

I've just read on Nick article here :


In the other rules config there are "source.type == 'yaf'" , "source.type == 'bro'". What i know that "source.type == 'yaf'" & "source.type == 'bro'" have indexed by default on metron. how about activedirectory?

Best Regards,

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