
We have kerberosed Hadoop Cluster.

Metron is trying to access all the Kafka topics (ir-respective of Kafka
topics which needed for Metron)

Since it does not have access to all topics, in UI Kafka related infos are
not displayed.

For Ex :

Kafka has some other topics like (checking123) Metron need authorization
for those topic as well.

2018-01-10T11:17:39.576 DEBUG
- Written [{timestamp=Wed Jan 10 11:17:39 AEDT 2018, status=500,
error=Internal Server Error,
message=Not authorized to access topics: [checking123],
path=/api/v1/kafka/topic/snort}] as "application/json" using

Can Metron Rest restrict access only to those topics which is needed for
the same, thanks

Prakash R

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