Hi Guys,
Looks like something went wrong with the recording today. It just recorded two short clips:
Daniel, would you mind jumping back on zoom at some point and re-recording that demo? It was awesome and I would like for the community to have a record of it. I can jump on with you and make sure it gets recorded properly this time.
26.01.2018, 15:05, "Daniel Schafer" <daniel.scha...@sstech.us>:

My team members and me would like to join as well.

We can provide Zoom Meeting login if necessary.







From: Ahmed Shah <ahmeds...@cmail.carleton.ca>
Reply-To: "user@metron.apache.org" <user@metron.apache.org>
Date: Friday, January 26, 2018 at 2:06 PM
To: "d...@metron.apache.org" <d...@metron.apache.org>, "user@metron.apache.org" <user@metron.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Metron User Community Meeting Call


Looking forward to presenting!


Just a thought...

In advanced should we create a Google Forms to collect survey data on who is using Metron, how they are using it, ext.. and present the results to the group? 




Ahmed Shah (PMP, M. Eng.)

Cybersecurity Analyst & Developer 

GCR - Cybersecurity Operations Center

Carleton University - cugcr.com


From: Andrew Psaltis <psaltis.and...@gmail.com>
Sent: January 26, 2018 1:53 PM
To: d...@metron.apache.org
Subject: Re: Metron User Community Meeting Call


Count me in. Very interested to hear about Ahmed's journey.

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 8:58 AM, Kyle Richardson <kylerichards...@gmail.com>

> Thanks! I'll be there. Excited to hear Ahmed's successes and challenges.
> -Kyle
> On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 7:44 PM zeo...@gmail.com <zeo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks Otto, I'm in to attend at that time/place.
> >
> > Jon
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 25, 2018, 14:45 Otto Fowler <ottobackwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> I would like to propose a Metron user community meeting. I propose that
> >> we set the meeting next week, and will throw out Wednesday, January
> 31st at
> >> 09:30AM PST, 12:30 on the East Coast and 5:30 in London Towne. This
> meeting
> >> will be held over a web-ex, the details of which will be included in the
> >> actual meeting notice.
> >> Topics
> >>
> >> We have a volunteer for a community member presentation:
> >>
> >> Ahmed Shah (PMP, M. Eng.) Cybersecurity Analyst & Developer GCR -
> >> Cybersecurity Operations Center Carleton University - cugcr.com
> >>
> >> Ahmed would like to talk to the community about
> >>
> >>    -
> >>
> >>    Who the GCR group is
> >>    -
> >>
> >>    How they use Metron 0.4.1
> >>    -
> >>
> >>    Walk through their dashboards, UI management screen, nifi
> >>    -
> >>
> >>    Challenges we faced up until now
> >>
> >> I would like to thank Ahmed for stepping forward for this meeting.
> >>
> >> If you have something you would like to present or talk about please
> >> reply here! Maybe we can have people ask for “A better explanation of
> >> feature XXXXX” type things?
> >> Metron User Community Meetings
> >>
> >> User Community Meetings are a means for realtime discussion of
> >> experiences with Apache Metron, or demonstration of how the community is
> >> using or will be using Apache Metron.
> >>
> >> These meetings are geared towards:
> >>
> >>    -
> >>
> >>    Demonstrations and knowledge sharing as opposed to technical
> >>    discussion or implementation details from members of the Apache
> Metron
> >>    Community
> >>    -
> >>
> >>    Existing Feature demonstrations
> >>    -
> >>
> >>    Proposed Feature demonstrations
> >>    -
> >>
> >>    Community feedback
> >>
> >> These meetings are *not* for :
> >>
> >>    -
> >>
> >>    Support discussions. Those are best left to the mailing lists.
> >>    -
> >>
> >>    Development discussions. There is another type of meeting for that.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > --
> >
> > Jon
> >


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Thank you,
James Sirota
PMC- Apache Metron
jsirota AT apache DOT org

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