Per the spec which this is written to, if you don’t have structured data,
you need to have a ‘-‘ marker.  So this is not valid 5424.  That is from a
cursory look.
Metron has a dedicated ISE parser, have you tried that?

If you would like to have the parser have a setting to optionally accept
missing structured data, you can open an issue @
If/when resolved there, a jira to pick up the change in metron can be

On October 30, 2018 at 13:38:39, Muhammed Irshad (

I am trying to test existing Syslog5424Parser with the logs from my
cisco:ise log data. I am getting the below error message under
MessageParserResult. Is the below format supported by existing syslog
parser ? Or can I configure it to support this format ?

Message sample :
<182>1 2018-10-05T08:46:06+00:00
CISE_Profiler 0038547765 1 0 2018-10-05 18:46:06.972 +10:00 0538115228
80002 INFO  Profiler: Profiler EndPoint profiling event occurred,
ConfigVersionId=267, OperatingSystem=FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT (accuracy 92%),
EndpointCertainityMetric=160, EndpointIPAddress=,
EndpointMacAddress=F8:0D:60:FF:86:E5, EndpointMatchedPolicy=Canon-Printer,

Error message :
com.github.palindromicity.syslog.dsl.ParseException: Syntax error @ 1:93 no
viable alternative at input '1'

Muhammed Irshad K T
Senior Software Engineer
Skype : muhammed.irshad.k.t

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