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On November 1, 2018 at 08:38:05, Muhammed Irshad (

Thanks a lot Otto. That covers everything.

On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 5:16 PM Otto Fowler <> wrote:

> simple-syslog-5424 uses antlr4 instead of regex because I was unable to
> find or develop regex’s to single pass parse structured data.  If you look
> around you’ll find that most platform’s support for 5424 does not handle
> structured data, and is implemented as regex.  The legacy NiFi syslog
> support, which takes it’s regex from Flume was like this for example.  Nifi
> now supports structured data because it too uses simple-syslog-5424 for
> that.  Also that lib offers interfaces and base functionality to build new
> parser logic on top of the grammar, on top of the default implementation.
> The regex performance, if the regex’s are cached or static should be ok I
> think.
> Note that I plan to develop simple-syslog-3164, probably using regex with
> injectable “message” parsing soon ( and a follow on to create a 3rd,
> unified simple-syslog lib ). This will have common headers etc to the 5424
> lib.  This will be done in the org.
> On November 1, 2018 at 01:12:53, Muhammed Irshad (
> wrote:
> I have to parse large volumes of syslog data collected in splunk in
> different indexes. Seems splunk can be configured in different ways to
> collect syslog data
> <>.
> I have a custom written regex parser. I am planning to use regex ( Single
> pass ) to separate out message and header and use parser chaining to parse
> message content using csv/ regex itself according to the message format. In
> terms of performance considering heavy traffic ( 3 TB/day )  any problem
> with this approach ? I could see existing syslog5424
> <> uses antlr4
> instead of regex. Any advantage for this in terms of performance ?
> --
> Muhammed Irshad K T
> Senior Software Engineer
> +919447946359
> Skype : muhammed.irshad.k.t

Muhammed Irshad K T
Senior Software Engineer
Skype : muhammed.irshad.k.t

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