
Thank you for the welcome! The concepts behind Metron are nice, very nice.
Finally network log / data analysis is possible  using different approaches.
It has been a few years since I used tools such as Suricata, Bro, Snort,
OSSEC, PF_RING. But the integration of some of those at scale... nice
In our environment we only have some krb issues, maybe related to our
specific choices, but I am sure we will be able to solve those....

I think our use cases can perfectly work with the defaults. We probably
need to get the necessary experience.
Both in parsing, using Stellar, writing Elasticsearch templates, Spark....
So basically If I set the timestamp field correctly, we can correlate and
profile with other events around the same timestamp, right?

We could also write a 3th party parser , almost a copy of the CEF parser
and modify it specifically for this device (and contribute back...)?
But if it is only about the timestamp, probably only the
fieldTransformation is necessary.

I suppose it also by design that the ASA parser only does some 'basic'
parsing? Currently there is no interpretation of access-list, hit counts,
But I thought it was better using a Java parser than grok patterns if
possible, because of optimalisations....?


On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 5:49 PM Simon Elliston Ball <
si...@simonellistonball.com> wrote:

> Hi Pieter,
> Welcome to the Metron community.
> The logic used by the CEF parser right now is to populate the timestamp
> field as follows:
> 1. if the rt field exists, use that.
> 2. if there is a field matching the syslogTime pattern (either the old
> pattern of 5424)
> 3. If neither are present, it uses current system time (as a last resort)
> You can use stellar fieldTransformations after the fact to change the
> timestamp field to map to anything you like, including any parsed field.
> The field type is ignored in custom fields from CEF, since type is not a
> required construct in the Metron JSON object, so we just take the
> corresponding label field and map the value to that, since the Metron
> schema is more flexible than the CEF schema. I can see there may be edge
> cases where this could create a collision, and would be interested to hear
> about your use case around this, and any problems that approach might
> cause, but it seems to have worked for most people so far.
> Simon
> On Mon, 17 Dec 2018 at 15:38, Pieter Baele <pieter.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For correlation & profiling the presense of a correct timestamp /
>> eventtime is important,
>> what to do with a device implementing CEF output, but not properly
>> providing the rt field?
>> Also syslogTime is not parsed by the CEF parser.
>> There is another field present, how can I assure this field is taken as
>> timestamp for further analysis and ingest in ES and HDFS?
>> Also, is it not necessary to have the type of a field set during (CEF)
>> parsing (maybe I am missing something there)
>> Sincerely
>> Pieter
> --
> --
> simon elliston ball
> @sireb

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