
We have installed Metron 0.7.1 in centos 7 using Amabari.Using Nifi we sent
the sample snort logs copied from metron git repo to snort kafka topic.We
did the same for bro topic.Logs are getting parsed and reached indexing
topology . Elastic search indices are not getting created though we gave
elastic search template install from ambari. So manually created the elastic
search index using template available in metron repo. Though elastic search
index is present , data from indexing toplogy neither reached elastic
search nor hdfs path .There are no errors in storm toplogy logs.We could
see the sample log in Metron management ui. How we can send the logs to
alerts ui and kibana dashboard. In kibana dashboard we could see two
dashboards - Metron-Dashboard,Metron-Error-Dashboard created but with no
data. Elasticsearch health is yellow and we are able to insert data via
rest call. Any documentation on sending the smaple snort logs to metron
alerts ui will be helpful . Any configuration from metron management ui is
required to pass it to alerts –ui

Thanks and Regards


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