Well, I realize that the console-consumer works with the—zookeeper option, 
which is the “old consumer”, while it doesn’t work when I specify 
–bootstrap-server, which is the “new consumer” way. So, it looks like a Kafka 

From: DAVY Stephane OBS/CSO
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 16:45
To: 'user@metron.apache.org'
Subject: RE: Metron concept

Hello Simon,

I send just one line at a time, and the line has been validated in the Metron 
UI. I see no message in the topology logs. I switched to DEBUG mode, and I can 
see the following sequence again and again:

2019-04-08 16:35:50.463 o.a.k.c.c.i.AbstractCoordinator 
Thread-14-kafkaSpout-executor[4 4] [DEBUG] Sending coordinator request for 
group forti1_parser to broker r-petya:6667 (id: 1011 rack: /default-rack)
2019-04-08 16:35:50.463 o.a.k.c.c.i.AbstractCoordinator 
Thread-14-kafkaSpout-executor[4 4] [DEBUG] Received group coordinator response 
ClientResponse(receivedTimeMs=1554734150463, disconnected=false, 
 body={group_id=forti1_parser}), createdTimeMs=1554734150463, 
2019-04-08 16:35:50.562 o.a.k.c.NetworkClient Thread-14-kafkaSpout-executor[4 
4] [DEBUG] Sending metadata request {topics=[forti1]} to node 1011
2019-04-08 16:35:50.562 o.a.k.c.Metadata Thread-14-kafkaSpout-executor[4 4] 
[DEBUG] Updated cluster metadata version 30761 to Cluster(nodes = [r-petya:6667 
(id: 1011 rack: /default-rack), r-jigsaw:6667 (id: 1012 rack: /default-rack), 
r-wannacry.rd.francetelecom.fr:6667 (id: 1010 rack: /default-rack)], partitions 
= [Partition(topic = forti1, partition = 0, leader = 1012, replicas = [1012,], 
isr = [1012,]])

Is it normal to have 
“responseBody={error_code=15,coordinator={node_id=-1,host=,port=-1}})” in the 



From: Simon Elliston Ball [mailto:si...@simonellistonball.com]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 16:29
To: user@metron.apache.org
Subject: Re: Metron concept

Are you seeing events on the enrichments topic, and if so, are they getting to 
indexing? Any messages in the storm logs for these topologies?

Are you also certain the parser is correct, and there are no invalid or error 
messages being sent to the error index?


On Mon, 8 Apr 2019 at 15:26, 
<stephane.d...@orange.com<mailto:stephane.d...@orange.com>> wrote:
Hello Nick,

Thanks for your answer. I went through this post and see that all my events 
should go in Elastic, which is what I want, but which it isn’t what I get ☹

I have setup the following basic setup:

-          New telemetry with grok parser (validated in UI with sample) and a 
kafka topic => the topic didn’t exist before, and it is created automatically 
as I can see with the kafka-topics.sh CLI utility

-          A simple Nifi flow to push data in this topic => I can see some data 
in the topic with the kafka-console-consumer.sh CLI utility.

But I have the feeling that my topology never consume Kafka messages. The Storm 
UI shows “0” figure nearly everywhere in my topology, and the Elastic index is 
not created (_cat/indices). I see also nothing in the “indexing” Kafka topic.

But I see no error message, I don’t really know how to go on…

Does anybody have a suggestion for me? I guess I’m not the first one with kind 
of issue but I cannot find any case close to mine.

From: Nick Allen [mailto:n...@nickallen.org<mailto:n...@nickallen.org>]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 15:17
To: user@metron.apache.org<mailto:user@metron.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Metron concept

All events are indexed by default.

See if this guide helps you any.  

On Mon, Apr 8, 2019 at 2:49 AM 
<stephane.d...@orange.com<mailto:stephane.d...@orange.com>> wrote:
Hello all,

There is one my point that isn’t clear for me. When sending data into Metron, 
are all the events all indexed sent to Elastic and / or HDFS, or only the 
events that trigger a triage rule?

For now I’m trying to send some FW logs in Metron, I feed a Kafka topic with 
Nifi, I can see that the topic has data thanks to Kafka CLI, but nothing more 
happens after I’ve configured a new source from UI management…



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