Hello everyone, I'm a newbie to nutch... sorry if the question is silly...
I've installed Nutch according to the steps of the official tutorial. Everything seems ok, and the crawl completes (just with some error on specific pages), but I cannot get any result through the browser search. My catalina.out log says (if relevant):

03-May-2011 17:28:56 org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory nutch
2011-05-03 17:28:56,404 INFO  NutchBean - creating new bean
2011-05-03 17:28:56,564 WARN SearchBean - Neither file:/var/lib/tomcat6/crawl/index nor file:/var/lib/tomcat6
/crawl/indexes found!

Thank you in advance for any hint...

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