As i said, you don't rebuild, you just overwrite the config file in the hadoop 
config directory on the data nodes. Config files are looked up there as well. 
Just copy the file to the data nodes. 
-----Original message-----
> From:AC Nutch <>
> Sent: Thu 29-Nov-2012 05:38
> To:
> Subject: Re: Nutch efficiency and multiple single URL crawls
> Thanks for the help. Perhaps I am misunderstanding, what would be the
> proper way to leverage this? I am a bit new to Nutch 1.5.1, I've been using
> 1.4 and have generally been using runtime/deploy/bin/nutch with a .job
> file. I notice things are done a bit differently in 1.5.1 with the lack of
> a nutch runtime and nutch deploy directories. How can I run a crawl while
> leveraging this functionality and not having to rebuild the job file each
> new crawl? More specifically, I'm picturing the following workflow...
> (1) update config file to restrict domain crawls -> (2) run command that
> crawls a domain with changes from config file while not having to rebuild
> job file  -> (3) index to Solr
> What would the (general) command be for step (2) is my question.
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 5:16 AM, Markus Jelsma
> <>wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Rebuilding the job file for each domain is not a good idea indeed, plus it
> > adds the Hadoop overhead. But you don't have to, we write dynamic config
> > files to each node's Hadoop configuration directory and it is picked up
> > instead of the embedded configuration file.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > -----Original message-----
> > > From:AC Nutch <>
> > > Sent: Mon 26-Nov-2012 06:50
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Nutch efficiency and multiple single URL crawls
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I am using Nutch 1.5.1 and I am looking to do something specific with
> > it. I
> > > have a few million base domains in a Solr index, so for example:
> > >,, http://www.whatever.cometc. I
> > > am trying to crawl each of these base domains in deploy mode and retrieve
> > > all of their sub-urls associated with that domain in the most efficient
> > way
> > > possible. To give you an example of the workflow I am trying to achieve:
> > > (1) Grab a base domain, let's say (2) Crawl the
> > base
> > > domain for all URLs in that domain, let's say
> > ,
> > >,, etc. etc. (3)
> > store
> > > these results somewhere (perhaps another Solr instance) and (4) move on
> > to
> > > the next base domain in my Solr index and repeat the process. Essentially
> > > just trying to grab all links associated with a page and then move on to
> > > the next page.
> > >
> > > The part I am having trouble with is ensuring that this workflow is
> > > efficient. The only way I can think to do this would be: (1) Grab a base
> > > domain from Solr from my shell script (simple enough) (2) Add an entry to
> > > regex-urlfilter with the domain I am looking to restrict the crawl to, in
> > > the example above that would be an entry that says to only keep sub-pages
> > > of (3) Recreate the Nutch job file (~25 sec.) (4)
> > > Start the crawl for pages associated with a domain and do the indexing
> > >
> > > My issue is with step #3, AFAIK if I want to restrict a crawl to a
> > specific
> > > domain I have to change regex-urlfilter and reload the job file. This is
> > a
> > > pretty significant problem, since adding 25 seconds every single time I
> > > start a new base domain is going to add way too many seconds to my
> > workflow
> > > (25 sec x a few million = way too much time). Finally the
> > > there a way to add url filters on the fly when I start a crawl and/or
> > > restrict a crawl to a particular domain on the fly. OR can you think of a
> > > decent solution to the problem/am I missing something?
> > >
> >

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