Hi - if you have db.ignore.external.links set to true, and only inject into an empty CrawlDB, it should not try other 
domains. So i am not sure what is really wrong, it should just work. I assume 
you already have cpsc in your CrawlDB and don't filter it out. You should use 
-filter (once) on the CrawlDB to remove cpsc.


-----Original message-----
> From:Mitch Baker <mitch.ba...@iga.in.gov>
> Sent: Wednesday 9th March 2016 22:40
> To: user@nutch.apache.org
> Subject: Only fetch*
> I have small setup to index some files on a local box.  
> Solr 5
> Nutch 1.11
> I thought I had it configured to not try any URLs that are not local to
> the system but it still seems to look for them.
> fetching 
> http://www.cpsc.gov/Media/Documents/Regulations-Laws--Standards/Advisory-Opinions/Wheelchairs-145--/
>  (queue crawl delay=2000ms)
> fetching http://www.cpsc.gov/PageFiles/121846/fuclearance.pdf (queue crawl 
> delay=2000ms)
> fetching 
> http://www.cpsc.gov/Business--Manufacturing/Business-Education/Business-Guidance/Phthalates-Information/
>  (queue crawl delay=2000ms)
> -activeThreads=150, spinWaiting=148, fetchQueues.totalSize=2091, 
> fetchQueues.getQueueCount=1
> fetching http://www.cpsc.gov/es/Research--Statistics/ (queue crawl 
> delay=2000ms)
> The regex-urlfilter.txt:
> # Each non-comment, non-blank line contains a regular expression
> # prefixed by '+' or '-'.  The first matching pattern in the file
> # determines whether a URL is included or ignored.  If no pattern
> # matches, the URL is ignored.
> # skip file: ftp: and mailto: urls
> -^(file|ftp|mailto):
> # skip image and other suffixes we can't yet parse
> # for a more extensive coverage use the urlfilter-suffix plugin
> -\.(gif|GIF|jpg|JPG|png|PNG|ico|ICO|css|CSS|sit|SIT|eps|EPS|wmf|WMF|zip|ZIP|ppt|PPT|mpg|MPG|xls|XLS|gz|GZ|rpm|RPM|tgz|TGZ|mov|MOV|exe|EXE|jpeg|JPEG|bmp|BMP|js|JS)$
> # skip URLs containing certain characters as probable queries, etc.
> #-[?*!@=]
> # skip URLs with slash-delimited segment that repeats 3+ times, to break loops
> -.*(/[^/]+)/[^/]+\1/[^/]+\1/
> # skip specific PDF files in the volumes directory
> -.*00(FRONT|INTRO)\.PDF.*
> #skip
> #-^(http|https)://www\.*$
> #-^(http|https)://blogs\.*$
> #-^(http|https)://store\.*$
> #-^(http|https)://.*\.google.com/.*$
> #-^(http|https)://nist.gov/.*$
> # accept anything else
> #+.
> +^
> I have searched and tried several things, including nutch-site.xml:
> <configuration>
> <property>
> <name>http.agent.name</name>
> <value>nutch-solr-integration</value>
> </property>
> <property>
> <name>generate.max.per.host</name>
> <value>1000</value>
> </property>
> <property>
> <name>plugin.includes</name>
> <value>protocol-http|urlfilter-regex|parse-(html|tika|metatags)|index-(basic|anchor|metadata)|indexer-solr|query-(basic|site|url)|response-(json|xml)|summary-basic|scoring-opic|urlnormalizer-(pass|regex|basic)</value>
> </property>
> <property>
>   <name>db.ignore.external.links</name>
>   <value>true</value>
>   <description>If true, outlinks leading from a page to external hosts or 
> domain
>   will be ignored. This is an effective way to limit the crawl to include
>   only initially injected hosts, without creating complex URLFilters.
>   See 'db.ignore.external.links.mode'.
>   </description>
> </property>
> <property>
>   <name>db.max.outlinks.per.page</name>
>   <value>0</value>
>   <description>The maximum number of outlinks that we'll process for a page.
>   If this value is nonnegative (>=0), at most db.max.outlinks.per.page 
> outlinks
>   will be processed for a page; otherwise, all outlinks will be processed.
>   </description>
> </property>
> <property>
>  <name>fetcher.max.crawl.delay</name>
>  <value>3</value>
>  <description>
>  If the Crawl-Delay in robots.txt is set to greater than this value (in
>  seconds) then the fetcher will skip this page, generating an error report.
>  If set to -1 the fetcher will never skip such pages and will wait the
>  amount of time retrieved from robots.txt Crawl-Delay, however long that
>  might be.
>  </description>
> </property>
> <property>
>   <name>fetcher.queue.mode</name>
>   <value>byHost</value>
>   <description>Determines how to put URLs into queues. Default value is 
> 'byHost',
>   also takes 'byDomain' or 'byIP'.
>   </description>
> </property>
> <property>
>   <name>fetcher.verbose</name>
>   <value>false</value>
>   <description>If true, fetcher will log more verbosely.</description>
> </property>
> I inherited this and not that well versed on nutch.  Many hours of searching, 
> and trying what I have found but still no luck.  Can't get it to just search  
> the local 
> system
> And help would be greatly appreciated.
> -- 
> Mitch Baker <mitch.ba...@iga.in.gov>

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