I see that the gora-hbase-mapping.xml has the table name in it, and the
nutch-site/nutch-default xml files have storage.schema.webpage.  I've tried
changing both, but nutch still uses 'webpage' as the table within HBase.

In StorageUtils.java I see:
String schema;
    if (WebPage.class.equals(persistentClass)) {
      schema = conf.get("storage.schema.webpage", "webpage");
      conf.set("preferred.schema.name", schemaPrefix + "webpage");
    } else if (Host.class.equals(persistentClass)) {
      schema = conf.get("storage.schema.host", "host");
      conf.set("preferred.schema.name", schemaPrefix + "host");
    } else {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
          "Unable to create store for class " + persistentClass);

Shouldn't this instead be
conf.set("preferred.schema.name", schemaPrefix+schema
Thank you.

-Joe Obernberger

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 7:26 PM, Joseph Obernberger <
joseph.obernber...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All - When I change storage.schema.webpage to something other than
> webpage, nutch 2.x still uses the table webpage in HBase.
> For example, I changed it to testCollect1, and I get this message:
> 16/06/10 19:09:08 WARN store.HBaseStore: Mismatching schema's names.
> Mappingfile schema: 'testCollect1'. PersistentClass schema's name:
> 'webpage'Assuming they are the same.
> Nutch then continues to use the table webpage instead.
> Is there a work around?
> Thank you!
> -Joe

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