Hi Jamal - don't use managed schema with Solr 6.0 and/or 6.1. Just copy over 
the schema Nutch provides and you are good to go.

-----Original message-----
> From:Jamal, Sarfaraz <sarfaraz.ja...@verizonwireless.com.INVALID>
> Sent: Friday 15th July 2016 15:47
> To: user@nutch.apache.org
> Subject: Newbie Nutch/Solr Question(s)
> Hi Guy,
> I have nutch 'working' relatively, and I am now ready to index it to solr.
> I already have a solr environment up and running and now wish to index a few 
> websites.
> I have read through the documentation and I believe I have to do something 
> like this:
> Instead of this:
> "cp ${NUTCH_RUNTIME_HOME}/conf/schema.xml 
> ${APACHE_SOLR_HOME}/example/solr/collection1/conf/"
> I really just need to take all field types and all field names from the 
> schema.xml file and add them to my existing ' managed-schema'
> Correct?
> Thanks!!
> Sas

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