Thanks for the reply! The firewall is disabled and ZK is running fine per 
CloudEra Manager.

I might have fixed the problem by including relevant properties (ZK quorum, 
distributedmode) in the hbase-site.xml and nutch-site.xml... unsure if I should 
also include other properties/settings...? 


> On Aug 16, 2017, at 17:54, Dan Benediktson <> 
> wrote:
> Given that it's trying to connect to localhost:2181, and that it's expected
> to connect to a remote machine, and that the error is "Connection refused"
> (meaning almost certainly either a firewall rejected or there was no
> process listening on that TCP port, but given that it's localhost, pretty
> much has to be the latter), that there must be some simple configuration
> problem on the side of whatever is talking to Zookeeper. Not to say you
> won't have firewall problems after you resolve that, but first things
> first: configure it so it's actually talking to the ZK ensemble.
>> On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 4:14 PM, Martin Gainty <> wrote:
>> ________________________________
>> From: Michael Chen <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 3:47 PM
>> To:;;
>> Subject: Re: Error connecting to ZooKeeper server
>> Also, the cluster is on AWS. Security group set to allow all inbound and
>> outbound traffic...
>> MG>can you verify ALL inbound ports and ALL outbound ports are enabled and
>> listening with netstat -lpn
>> Any ideas?...
>> MG>to eliminate AWS as the culprit what happens when you disable the
>> problematic AWS Security Group?
>> []<
>> AWS Security Group settings for Chronos Cluster<
>> com/forum/#!topic/chronos-scheduler/ys77mol0aWQ>
>> Posted 9/22/14 9:04 AM, 3 messages
>>> On 08/16/2017 12:37 PM, Michael Chen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've run into a ZooKeeper connection error during the execution of a
>>> Nutch hadoop job. The tasks stall on connection error to ZooKeeper
>>> server. Here's what I know:
>>> 1. ZK connection error is the only known problem, other logs report no
>>> issue
>>> 2. Error message on YARN NodeManager on one of the slaves is:
>>> 2017-08-16 19:03:42,280 INFO [main-SendThread(localhost:2181)]
>> org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to server
>> localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL
>> (unknown error)
>>> 2017-08-16 19:03:42,281 WARN [main-SendThread(localhost:2181)]
>> org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session 0x0 for server null, unexpected
>> error, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
>>> Connection refused
>>> The connection keeps failing until it hits the 10min limit and the
>>> task fails.
>>> 3. ZooKeeper Server is deployed only on master
>>> 4. Cluster managed by CloudEra Manager 5.12.
>>> Could a configuration on Nutch side or CloudEra Manager side be
>>> missing? There are no ZK servers on the slaves and the NodeManager
>>> should be connecting to the ZK server on the master, instead of
>>> localhost:2181.
>>> Any suggestion or help is greatly appreciated!
>>> Thank you,
>>> Michael

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