I am using Nutch 2.x with habse as backend storage.


On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 5:17 PM Gajanan Watkar <gajananwat...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> *1. Want to fillter all urls like:*
> http://14538.diarynote.jp/items/music-jp/B00005FMG1/ 
> http://12899diarynote.jp/amp/201503160602121325/
> http://15131513marudiarynote.jp/amp/201603181431397340/
> http://11621diarynote.jp/amp/200409061741310000/
> http://14291.diarynote.jp/items/dvd-jp/B00016ZPCQ/
> http://10695diarynote.jp/amp/200908112143487146/
> *2. Contents of regex-urlfilter.txt file:*
> # skip diarynote.jp
> *-.*diarynote.jp.**
> # skip file: ftp: and mailto: urls
> -^(file|ftp|mailto):
> # skip image and other suffixes we can't yet parse
> # for a more extensive coverage use the urlfilter-suffix plugin
> -\.(gif|GIF|jpg|JPG|png|PNG|ico|ICO|css|CSS|sit|SIT|eps|EPS|wmf|WMF|zip|ZIP|ppt|PPT|mpg|MPG|xls|XLS|gz|GZ|rpm|RPM|tgz|TGZ|mov|MOV|exe|EXE|jpeg|JPEG|bmp|BMP|js|JS)$
> # skip URLs containing certain characters as probable queries, etc.
> -[?*!@=]
> # skip URLs with slash-delimited segment that repeats 3+ times, to break
> loops
> -.*(/[^/]+)/[^/]+\1/[^/]+\1/
> # accept anything else
> +.
> *3. nutch-site.xml *has *plugin.includes* property with *urlfilter-regex 
> *plugin
> included in it.
> *4. *When I test with *bin/nutch plugin urlfilter-regex
> org.apache.nutch.urlfilter.regex.RegexURLFilter*, I am getting expected
> Results, *But at Crawl time all these urls are getting included in fetch
> list*.
> 18/10/10 12:35:23 INFO conf.Configuration: found resource
> regex-urlfilter.txt at
> file:/home/user/hadoop/tmp/hadoop-unjar5013141110548091848/regex-urlfilter.txt
> http://11848.diarynote.jp/home/diary/new/
> -http://11848.diarynote.jp/home/diary/new/
> http://23810diarynote.jp/amp/201210031421469096/
> -http://23810diarynote.jp/amp/201210031421469096/
> diarynote.jp/amp/201210031421469096/
> -diarynote.jp/amp/201210031421469096/
> 23810diarynote.jp/amp/201210031421469096/
> -23810diarynote.jp/amp/201210031421469096/
> 11848.diarynote.jp/home/diary/new/
> -11848.diarynote.jp/home/diary/new/
> http://20131110karadiarynote.jp/amp/201604260043253476/
> -http://20131110karadiarynote.jp/amp/201604260043253476/
> 20131110karadiarynote.jp/amp/201604260043253476/
> -20131110karadiarynote.jp/amp/201604260043253476/
> *What could be the problem. Needs Help.*
> *-Gajanan*

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