
if server S3 has Solr running, this would be a simple change of
- (Nutch 1.14) just change the property solr.server.url
- (Nutch 1.15) see https://wiki.apache.org/nutch/IndexWriters


On 7/22/19 5:30 PM, Rushi wrote:
> Hi All,
> I need some help on this ,I have two different servers Say *S1* AND *S2 
> *Which has Nutch and SOLR
> running and Nutch indexing the data to *DATA* folder in *SOLR*  .
> Now my requirement is NUTCH should index the data to a new FOLDER in server 
> *S3.*This folder will
> contain only the index files and SOLR should look this Folder for searching.
> Has anyone run into this situation? Can you please let me know possible 
> solutions.
> I am using NUTCH 1.14 and SOLR 6.4.
> -- 
> Regards
> Rushikesh M
> .Net Developer

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