
I’m trying to get my nutch crawler to talk to an existing solr cloud install. 
I’ve successfully got nutch working with solr in standalone mode, i.e where the 
URL parameter in my index-writers.xml config is something like 
http://localhost:8983/solr/nutch but haven’t been able to get it talking to my 
solr cloud instance(s). Referencing the IndexWriters 
docs<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NUTCH/IndexWriters>, I haven’t 
been able to deduce what the URL should look like for solr cloud. The solr 
admin panel provides me with a zookeeper connection string in this format 
<some_ip>:2181,<some_ip>:2181,<some_ip>:2181/some_name  but that doesn’t seem 
to work.

Can anyone provide me with an example of what the URL should look like when 
configuring nutch to talk to solr cloud?


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