Hi Sheham,

the nutch-site.xml configures


1.8 seconds (1800 milliseconds) is very short. The default is 600 seconds or 10 minutes, see [1]. Since Nutch needs to finish fetching before the task timeout applies, threads fetching not quickly enough and still running at the end are killed.

I would suggest to keep the property "mapreduce.task.timeout" on its default 


[1] https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/stable/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core/mapred-default.xml#mapreduce.task.timeout

On 4/24/24 16:38, Lewis John McGibbney wrote:
Hi Sheham,

On 2024/04/20 08:47:41 Sheham Izat wrote:

The Fetcher job was aborted, does that still mean that it went through the
entire list of seed urls?

Yes it processed the entire generated segment but the fetcher…

* hung on https://disneyland.disney.go.com/, https://api.onlyoffice.com/,  
https://www.adu.com/ and https://www.lowes.com/
* was denied by robots.txt for https://sourceforge.net/, 
https://onsclothing.com/, https://kinto-usa.com/, https://twitter.com/, 
https://www.linkedin.com/, etc.
* encountered problems processing some robots.txt files for 
https://twitter.com/, https://www.trustradius.com/
There may be some other issues encountered buy the fetcher.

This is not at all uncommon. The fetcher completed successfully after 7 
seconds. You could progress with your crawl.

I will go through the mailing list questions.

If you need more assistance please let us know. You will find plenty of 
pointers on this mailing list archive though.


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