Hi Daniel

A few quick comments inline:

Daniel Kunkel wrote:
As I understand the current main options:

STOCK_QOH: when qoh goes under minimum stock a requirement is created for the 
reorder qty.
STOCK_ATP: when atp goes under minimum stock a requirement is created for the 
reorder qty.
ATP: creates a requirement on ATP levels and links it to the order item that 
caused the reservations

Regardless, I wonder if there isn't another way at approaching this whole thing that might help reduce inventory levels and number of orders while keeping everything in stock... Rather than just working with a reorder quantity, include a target quantity or max quantity of stock allowed to be ordered.

When making an order from a supplier, order all items that you can while staying below the max quantity. The current enumeration field is "Main Supplier", but it
might help to create a new field, perhaps something like "Auto_Order"
Wouldn't that increase inventory levels rather than lower them? It seems like that would equate to filling your petrol tank every time you see a station instead of waiting until your almost empty.
A question is whether it would be better to work from qoh, or atp. Can anyone shed light on what might work better, or if we would want to support both? Rather than tracking and checking for requirements during every order placed, work from a timetable. That way, an order could automatically be placed including as many things as were needed for delivery from that supplier all at once than having separate requirements for different items.
That is part of the point of minimums, so that you are ordering as much product as possible each time and are then able to take advantage of price breaks. More work could be done with order consolidation by calculating lead times versus promised delivery dates to your customers.

But if you wanted to do the above you could easily run the mrp process according to your timetable which would delete and recreate the requirements on the spot (I think).
E-mail alerts. The requirements service could create an inventory report that could be seen by qualified users of the system, and/or be e-mailed to the list of appropriate personnel.

I haven't thought through what features would be optimum for the manufacturing process... Does any of this spark any more ideas?
Thats easily done as a customization rather than something in svn that may not suit the needs of others?


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