Hi Florin

I think you got it mixed up, these are the applicable licenses:
OFBiz - Apache License
opentaps - was GPL, now HPL


On 10/04/07, Tim Ruppert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Florin, I think that your understanding of the different licenses and
their restrictions are slightly off.  I certainly am not a lawyer, but the
GPL is not the same as the HPL (there are added restrictions on the HPL),
the LGPL doesn't jibe with the Apache license at all and the Apache license
is nothing like any of them.
David's explanations have always made the most sense to me - maybe he can
swing in and address your particular examples directly at some point.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Apr 10, 2007, at 1:05 AM, Florin Jurcovici wrote:


IMO that's not necessarily the best wasy to go - although I respect your
freedom of choice.

Why do I thik otherwise? Since the HPL is a modified GPL that only
requires openness more precisely than the GPL - I could not see any
restriction in a spirit different than that of the GPL. So no matter if you
go with ofbiz core or with opentaps, IMO you are bound to essentially the
same contract. If you later on decide to develop and market a product based
on ofbiz or opentaps, and keep it closed-source, you're stuck, no matter if
you built your custom, marketable solution on opentaps or ofbiz. If later on
you decide to publish your custom solution as open-source additions to ofbiz
- or opentaps - you're essentially going to do it the same way for both of

There is another license, which allows you to build a custom solution
based on open source: LGPL. However, neither ofbiz core nor opentaps are
licensed under its terms. As such, you have to either keep your custom
solution closed source and use it only internally, or you have to publish it
as open source. So essentially there is no way you could make money from
selling licenses of stuff built on top of either ofbiz or opentaps.

The only thing you' achieve by duplicating the functionality available in
opentaps and not available in ofbiz is duplication of effort, IMO. At least
that's my understanding.

Please, anybody, if my understanding of the licensing problems is buggy,
correct me. The licensing issues are important for me too.


Florin Jurcovici
Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?

On Sat, 07 Apr 2007 17:53:28 +0300, Scott A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I guess this thread really illustrates the confusion that I had
originally. I
didnt want to start any problems but I just want the ability to do
I want with the software that I help to develop. Who knows where the
leads and what we may or may not do with the software down the road. It's
especially true for speciality operations that need to do much
customization. You might find in 5 years time that your software is worth
more than your product... That would be a real bad time to find out that
license was different from what you had thought.

I'm just going to stick with the core of ofbiz and over time I'll build
extra functionality that I want and need.

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