And it worked well for me, in such case you really love it :o)


> There is also a tool as I mentioned before to remove and re-add all
> foreign keys. It is on the Check/Update page in WebTools.
> -David
> On Apr 15, 2007, at 9:40 PM, Chris Howe wrote:
> > Comments inline...
> > --- Jonathon -- Improov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Chris, David,
> >>
> >> Wow, this is getting complicated.
> >>
> >> 2 questions.
> >>
> >> This data import tool, can it do a data dump with
> >> turned off? I'd like to do a
> >> data import from XML, but not have to do the graph walk.
> >>
> >
> > If by this tool, you mean the one currently in OFBiz, it does it by
> > using a "insert dummy key" indicator.  It's only recommended if you
> > know your data is clean. As I've mentioned previously, I tried using
> > this to go from MySQL to Postgres and it did not work.  I did not
> > into why.  There are a multitude of reasons why this may not have
> > worked. 95% of those reasons are on this side of the keyboard as
> > touched the data myself, so it likely isn't clean.
> >
> >> Anybody knows of any tools to dump MySQL data (verbatim, with only
> >> platform-specific translations)
> >> into a PostgreSQL?
> >>
> >
> > There are quite a number of solutions.  A google search should find
> > them.  I didn't see any free choices when I looked.
> >
> >> I've looked into such "walk the graph/hierarchy" thing when I did
> >> first data migration (not
> >> even data mapping, just dumping same structure to same structure).
> >> After spending a week to
> >> finally "get it!", I was slapped for wasting my time. Somebody did
> >> "foreign_key_checks=0",
> >> dumped the data into database, and set the flag back to "on". I'd
> >> agree this is a tough nut to
> >> crack; haven't found anyone in the IT industry (other than PhDs
> >> database design theses?)
> >> who'd want to bother cracking this.
> >>
> > That would have the same use scenario with the insert dummy key
> > approach, you have to be certain that you data is clean.  Depending
> > how old your data is in OFBiz, this may be unlikely.  For instance,
> > before case sensitive logins were implemented as the default the
> > in which the login was typed is the case that was stored in the
> > various
> > entities that have a relationship to UserLogin.  I believe, MySQL in
> > the default installation mode treats "ofbiz" and "OFBIZ" the same
> > so found related records as expected.  Postgres in the default
> > installation mode does not treat the two as the same and your
> > application will not work as expected (I'm dealing with the fallout
> > this at the moment).
> >
> >
> >> About highly normalized data. Yes, I agree there are loops. In the
> >> real world, a Vendor can often
> >> be a Customer of another Vendor, who is a Customer of the first
> >> Vendor. Ah, you get the picture
> >> (I'm getting a headache).
> >>
> >
> > Because OFBiz is designed for the most part to be a generic data
> > model,
> > this case scenario doesn't create a loop for referential
> > integrity.  In
> > this case, there are four entities of importance;  RoleType, Party,
> > PartyRole and PartyRelationship.  RoleType and Party do not rely on
> > the
> > later two, so they get entered cleanly.  PartyRole only depends on
> > RoleType and Party, and since all of those records are already in,
> > gets entered cleanly.  PartyRelationship relies on PartyRole and
> > and since all of those records are already in, they get entered
> > cleanly.
> >
> >> Jonathon
> >>
> >

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