
>   2. We need to provide an access right control in which some screen
may not available for some users. In my previous j2ee web application
(modified version struts framework) we implemented this functionality by
storing the access right (read, read/write, no access) to modules and/or
functions in a database table and provided a custom tag with user and
module/function IDs as parameters. The decision to show/hide a
particular module will be checked in either JSP/Command class. Is there
any existing functionality for such access control in OfBiz? Any other
recommended way of achieving this requirement?

In OFBiz this is achieved thru roles and permissions wich are related to

>   3. Looks like our sponsor have look at the SugarCRM module builder
and likes the module builder provided by SugarCRM. Is there any similar
functionality on OfBiz? may be not exactly the same but may be closer in
terms of functionality.

I don't know what module builder is in SugarCRM. But if you are looking
for similar functionnalities than in SugarCRM you should look at
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