You ask about whether there are Javascript experts around.  Of course
if you were to use GWT (Google Widget Toolkit), you do the programming
in Java and it is translated into Javascript.  That way you get all the
strict typing of Java but the implementation on the browser without 
addons.  GWT is of course now entirely open source and integrated into
Eclipse quite easily.

As I read it much of what is needed for using GWT is already present in
Ofbiz, GWT can use JSON as its comms protocol and I think I am right in
saying that JSON is supported by Ofbiz.  You could use SOAP but JSON is
lighter weight and as the execution environment is javascript is the more
native protocol.  GWT does have its own RPC protocol as well, in which
case you would have to write the server end in its environment, but there
is no requirement to use it, JSON (or even native HTTP) will do perfectly


On Tuesday 24 April 2007 04:33, Jonathon -- Improov wrote:
> I was actually looking to pump in my enhancements to the Widget module.
> I've incorporated some Ajax-facilitating or Ajax-related features directly
> into the Widget module, so I won't have to do HUGE .ftl(s).
> Imagine being able to use and reuse a widget-screen for 2 (or more)
> purposes: non-ajax operation and ajax operation (pulling down various
> sub-sub-parts of the screen).
> In general, I was able to make all listings screens (with the Prev/Next
> hrefs) load via Ajax.
> But be warned that this Ajax approach, if carried further, could hark back
> to those times when you programmed Java AWTs for rich UIs (events and
> concurrency). Except there's lots of javascript involved in this case, not
> Java, and bad news is there's no concurrency controls in javascript. Which
> means, prepare to get wickedly good at acrobatics in javascript (obscure
> acquired taste, really), or deal with the potential mess and meltdown.
> Please let me know if there's any experts in javascript OO and programming
> here.
> I'm willing to help with Ajax-ing OFBiz. Just let me know if the "nice
> addition" Andrew's talking about will go into Opentaps or OFBiz, and I'll
> follow. I only need to know if there's any anti-trust case against the body
> I'm contributing to.
> Jonathon
> Andrew Zeneski wrote:
> > This sounds like it will be a nice addition to OFBiz, I can't wait to
> > see the progress!
> >
> > Andrew
> >
> > On Apr 23, 2007, at 4:59 PM, Si Chen wrote:
> >> If there are any developers interested in working on a CRM system,
> >> we're looking for more help here at Open Source Strategies.  We have
> >> both full-time openings and part-time paid opportunities, and you can
> >> work from home and set your own hours.  You'll have a chance to work
> >> with us on a combination of client projects, our open source products,
> >> and just cool stuff you're interested in.
> >> We're especially looking for developers with strong familiarity with
> >> the following areas (though not necessarily just these):
> >>
> >> 1.  Front end development and Ajax
> >> 2.  Integration with external devices, such as mobile phones, handheld
> >> devices, etc.
> >> 3.  Analytics and reporting
> >>
> >> If you're interested, please drop me a note off the list.
> >>
> >> Scott A wrote:
> >>> David,
> >>>
> >>> Like I said, I am a user plain and simple so I can’t get into all of
> >>> the technical side of things. All I know is that I would like a CRM
> >>> portion of
> >>> ofbiz similar to how Sugar CRM works but with a good and solid email
> >>> client
> >>> built in. I guess it would take someone with the interest and technical
> >>> ability to put the requirements together first.
> >>>
> >>> That said, I can only contribute with my wants and needs and some
> >>> cash. I'd
> >>> be willing to throw $1000 into the hat to get this type of
> >>> functionality.
> >>>
> >>> Where do I go from here?
> >>>
> >>> David E. Jones-2 wrote:
> >>>> On Apr 6, 2007, at 10:53 AM, Scott A wrote:
> >>>>> I have some help from some service providers setting up the system
> >>>>> and we've
> >>>>> already started to work on the gui which includes Ajax for easier
> >>>>> use. There
> >>>>> are also many other options I'd like to have for my business and that
> >>>>> hopefully I could give back to the ofbiz community too.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Do you guys have any kind of bounty system or a wish list where
> >>>>> likeminded
> >>>>> people could collaborate and get things done at a quicker pace?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> For example, I'd like to see a good CRM in the core of ofbiz with
> >>>>> something
> >>>>> like zimbra being used for the calendaring and email. If this were
> >>>>> even
> >>>>> feasible and there were likeminded people who would be interested,
> >>>>> then we
> >>>>> could pool our resources and time, etc.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Any suggestions?
> >>>>
> >>>> We don't have a bounty and bid system setup right now, but
> >>>> hopefully  soon or at some point some commercial entity in the OFBiz
> >>>> community  will do just that. It is something we have talked about,
> >>>> and even  using OFBiz to manage it, since about year 2 of the
> >>>> project and I  think it would be a really great thing for the
> >>>> project, and for  everyone who participates in both funding and
> >>>> developing different  things.
> >>>>
> >>>> Right now the best thing to do is send a message to this list or
> >>>> the  dev list to see if anyone is interested in collaborating on
> >>>> this and  has enough of a business requirement for it to at least
> >>>> help to fund  involvement on their side.
> >>>>
> >>>> My guess for something this specific and yet large in scope (ie in
> >>>> terms of the amount of work required, probably a few weeks worth)
> >>>> no  one will be able to participate for the "fun of it".
> >>>>
> >>>> Who knows.... maybe someone will step up and agree with you on how
> >>>> cool it would be and start banging on it with you.
> >>>>
> >>>> -David

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