and as my gift to David for his marrige.

You can get the source code and OpenCms module from

Using this module, you can setup an opencms ecommerce website easily.

There are 3 major pathes under /opencms-ofbiz/trunk/ in cvs:
rmiclient: there's an opencms module file in rmiclient/moduels/. The rmi
client source code is under this folder.

rmiservice: copy this fold to ${ofbiz-home}/specialpurpose/ and add to
ofbiz as a module and rebuild ofbiz.

sslcert: create jks files for RMI server and client.

If you find any bugs in this module, please send an email to me or to
this list. Thanks.

I hope the source code under /rmiservice can be a part of ofbiz. Now I
can say the ecommerce functions have been splited from the ofbiz
backoffice completely.


Shi Jinghai/Beijing Langhua Ltd.

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