David, just to clear up your worry about

It is not in fact the case that a certain date only
falls within one period.  At least within the Moz
acctg system, there are 16 accounting months - one for
opening, and three for closing.

Here's a concrete example.  Imagine our accounting
year is congruent with the calendar year.  Imagine our
firm is an off-licence (liquor store).

On the 1st of Jan, the firm sells a load of booze to
revellers.   Stock diminishes and cash increases.

The next working day, the accountant comes in to start
the accounting for this year.

First of all, he posts some opening transactions, to
carry over results from last year, and also any
pending assets and liabilities (e.g. a rent bill
received in December but which is paid in advance so
applies to Jan).  These should go in the opening

Then he posts the receipts from the alcohol sales. 
These should go in the period representing the
calendar month of January.

Same goes for transactions on 31st of December.

Yes, posting in the wrong period is v. bad, but that
is why most accounting systems allow the user to
explicitly select the period if needs be.  This is
what we do, and the UI has a fair bit of validation to
make sure they do not make an impossible choice.

Equally, in the altered postAcctgTrans, the
transaction can only be posted in one FISCAL_MONTH -
it cannot be both in the opening period and in the Jan
period, for instance.

Does this explanation help?


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