Hi everyone,

Here's a question that seems basic but I can't seem to find the answer in the documentations. I have users who wants to link Purchase/Sales invoice with Customer Return invoices, basically counting the CR invoices as a sort of payment. I saw the code that calculate the total amount, applied amount (and hence unapplied amount) of an invoice and they only take PaymentApplication into account and nothing else. Here's a use case that we're running into:

A Purchase Invoice has been posted. Before we pay it, we realize the vendor is overcharging us, so ideally, we want to create a CR invoice, attach it to the Purchase Invoice and when we pay the reminder (through Payment and PaymentApplication), the invoice can be moved to Paid state. Is this something that opentaps/ofbiz supports? Also, since I'm a neophyte in both opentaps and accounting in general, is this usually a generally accepted practice?


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