Thank you both for the tips!
I have begin to dig in to the actual implementation, and I have encountered
a problem.
Looking at controller.xml for the e-commerce portion, there is a request uri
called 'processOrder' which triggers an event to a java method called
'createOrder'. This method takes in the usual HttpServletRequest, and
HttpServletResponse. However my problem is that I need to be able to call
this method through web services.
As I recall, only services can be directly exported for web services call.
My question is can I really create a service element inside the services.xml
using engine="java" and invoke 'createOrder'?
Looking at all service definition with java classes, all the method takes in
DispatchContext dctx,Map context. Does this mean I need to create a wrapper
or some sort? how would I go about doing this because there a lot of uri
mappings inside controller.xml that has java method
(HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse) for the event trigger instead of a
service call trigger. 

thank you, jeremy
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