Why don't you just check for billingAccountId in your bsh script, if it's
not there check for a partyId and look up the billing account again?


On 17/11/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have fooled with this all day now and I bet there is someone out there
> who
> knows exactly how to do this.
> I have a URL, showTransactions that is normally called like this:
> .../showTransactions?billingAccountId=xyz
> I have another url;
> .../findTransactions
> The user gets dispatched to .../findTransactions and enters a partyId is
> present with a list of billingAccounts for a customer and they click on
> the
> billing account and off they go they go to
> .../showTransactions?billingAccountId=xyz
> What I want to do is if there is only one billing account, I don't want
> them
> to have to click the link.  I want to take them right there.  So, I tried
> writing both a service and a servlet like this:
>     public static Map getBillingAccountCount(DispatchContext dctx, Map
> context) {
> and
>     public static String getBillingAccountCount(HttpServletRequest
> request,
> HttpServletResponse response) {
> In the first, I stuffed the billingAccountId in the context.  In the
> second,
> I stuffed it in an attribute (there is, unfortunately, no setParameter
> which
> is exactly what I wanted).
> Here is a sample of the dispatcher:
>     <request-map uri="findTransactions">
>         <security https="true" auth="true"/>
>    <!--     <event type="service" invoke="getBillingAccountCount"/> -->
>         <event type="java"
> path="org.ofbiz.accounting.ar.BillingAccountWorker"
> invoke="getBillingAccountCount"/>
>         <response name="fail" type="view" value="findTransactions"/>
>         <response name="success" type="view" value="showTransactions"/>
>     </request-map>
> When the bash script gets called for showTransactions using either method,
> billingAccountId is not there.
> Anyone have any ideas on how to do this redirection and add parameters to
> the request or context?  I can do this with a servlet and filters, but I
> don't understand how Ofbiz handles all that.
> Skip

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