We are testing synchronization between POS terminals and a central server and 
are having problems pulling data from the server. 
During a "pull" synchronization from a MCS to POS we are only getting some of 
the data we expect. 

For example, there are 40+ products on the server but the first pull from the 
server only got four. We have many categories but only got one. Subsequent 
pulls retrieved no more data. 

To control the testing and results I am progressing in two steps: 
1) Pulling data from server 
2) Pushing data to server 

I am currently on step 1. I used the example file PosEntitySyncSettings. Note 
that we will only have one POS terminal per location so we are bypassing a per 
store server. Our configuration will only have a master central server (MCS) 
and terminals (POS). 

So here is what I did: 
>From the PosSyncSettings.xml file I loaded EntityGroup 5501 on the MCS. This 
>load included all EntityGroupEntry records and the EntitySync 5501. According 
>to the xml file this information is loaded on the MCS, not PSS or POS. 

All I loaded on POS was the RecurrenceRule to setup the job. 

The POS terminal is configured to connect to a local Postgres instance, and 
synchronization is configured in serviceengine.xml to connect to MCS. 

All connections are working fine. We are having no problems with the RMI 
connections. It works great, although it should be noted that the environment 
variable RMIIF in the startup script is critical. It must be included on every 
server instance that will be using synchronization. 

Vince Clark 
Global Era 
The Freedom of Open Source 
(303) 493-6723 

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