see Service Dispatcher

The web.xml for each component calls out the local dispatcher and
the local dispatcher is for the services that that component.

The default delegator is define in the entityengine.xml.

Vikas Mayur sent the following on 12/1/2007 6:42 AM:
> We have JUnit test cases for few components.
> I tried to run the accounting test suite, but the test fails with following
> error
>>> Error in Service [createFinAccount]: You must be logged in to complete
> the [Create a Financial Account] process.
> This error is solved when I use
> delegator = GenericDelegator.getGenericDelegator("default");
> dispatcher = GenericDispatcher.getLocalDispatcher("accounting-dispatcher",
> delegator);
> instead of delegator name = test and and dispatcher name = test-dispatcher
> Is there any configuration that need to be done to run these test suites.

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