seems your going backwards.
remove the ftl and use screen widgets that include formwidgets.
add a class (style) and use the css for aligning tables.

Jonathon -- Improov sent the following on 12/2/2007 8:48 PM:
> The problem I'm facing now is that form widgets always have the start
> and end wrappers (<table cellspacing...> and </table). It is not
> possible to mix fields from one form into another form done in ftl.
> Attributes skip-start and skip-end only remove the <form> wrapper.
> Getting form widgets to say skip-table could solve this problem, though
> it's not intuitive to use form widgets as field widgets. Better to use
> field widgets in screen widgets instead. However, this approach could be
> a quick interim fix.
> Another problem is the colspan for <td>. Maybe we can make that variable.
> Field widgets like <drop-down> are fantastic. It's a pity we can't use
> them inside of creative displays written in ftl.
> Si Chen did some FreeMarker macros for these, I believe. But if we're
> gonna strongly advocate widget usage, I think we need to fill that void
> in screen widgets. Going the FreeMarker macros route would basically
> rewrite much of what is already provided by field widgets.
> Maybe have a generic "group of fields" widget via <fields>?
> Jonathon

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