Thanks a lot David to have taken the time to clearly explain. I'm sure this 
will be helpful for a lot of persons in some

BTW, would you recommend a specific profiler tool ? I did not use one since I 
use Java, I should say since I use OFBiz...


De : "David E Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It is actually a pretty big deal, and there are very good reasons it
> was integrated into OFBiz. In OFBiz we deal with LOTS of temporary
> objects, especially Maps and Lists, and when doing performance
> profiling you can see the impact of this in the results (ie lots of
> time creating objects and allocating memory, lots of work for the
> garbage collector to do when destroying objects and un-allocating
> memory). Because of this it makes a big difference to use recycled
> objects like the Javolution FastMap and FastList, ie calling
> FastMap.newInstance() to get an object out of the pool of existing
> FastMap objects rather than calling new HashMap() to create a new
> HashMap each time.
> There are actually lots of performance tricks that OFBiz uses, though
> most of the work was done before most of the people now involved with
> OFBiz were around. Early on I spent a few weeks profiling and tweaking
> over the course of a few months as things were being heavily
> developed. Our classpath caching, special purpose internal methods in
> the entity engine, and the use of Javolution for the Fast* objects and
> for object recycling for often used but short-lived things like the
> GenericValue object (which is a recycled object) are all results of
> that effort.
> For other things like get and put operations on a FastMap versus a
> HashMap... I wouldn't expect a whole lot of difference. It may be that
> FastMap does a better job of managing large and scattered hash arrays
> or something but there is really only so much you can do with that as
> those algorithms have been around for a LONG time and have been
> thoroughly reviewed and refined by lots of people. To really get an
> understanding of this would require a bit of research, but it's all
> very standard computer science stuff, so the material is readily
> available and very accessible if you get a decent book or whatever. It
> is nice stuff to know about because these basic data structures and
> algorithms are what everything is based on in modern software and
> understanding them makes it way easier to understand performance
> impact and interpret the results of profiling, as well as understand
> higher level algorithms and data structures like those used in
> relational databases and such.
> Knowing all of that stuff is of course not a substitution for using a
> profiling tool, and in fact those who really understand the stuff know
> all the more how important it is to use profiling tools. The nature of
> the software is that it is very complex, and even if you know it all
> it's hard to remember and grok the importance of certain pieces
> sometimes. In other words it's deterministic, but complex. The most
> experienced people will know that they might be able to guess really
> well and understand really well the general things that might impact
> performance, but until you do profiling and tweaking to see a
> performance difference they are only guesses and guesses aren't
> proofs, and aren't enough if you're trying to be careful and make a
> real difference in something.
> In short, doing profiling is great and extremely valuable, as is
> understanding the underlying data structures and algorithms. However,
> neither of them along is sufficient to really understand and describe
> why something is performing a certain way or make a difference in how
> it performs.
> -David
> On Dec 14, 2007, at 1:28 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> > Sumit, Adrian, All,
> >
> > I had a cursory look at it. In abstract, yes this seems to be right
> >
> > Though those lines you took from Google are 4 years old 
> >
> >
> > Anyway it seems to be right, here the answer from Javolution Creator
> > (JM Dautelle)
> > The best analogy between FastMap and HashMap would be buying versus
> > renting. With FastMap you pay upfront but you are done with it.
> > With HashMap you pay each time you "put" a new entry (not only when
> > you allocate but also later with the GC interests...). Obviously
> > if you intend to sell your house three months later it does not make
> > sense to buy it.
> >
> > Also interesting is JM Dautelle's this note found at 
> >
> >> Although it looks nice, I see that some of your collection classes
> >> are not always faster than their Java 6 counterparts.
> > <<Some classes are faster, others are slower (for example
> > ArrayList.get(int) is faster with the -server option, slower without
> > it).
> > Overall, there is no significative difference in average execution
> > time. The main advantage of Javolution collections is that they
> > are time-deterministic (the maximum execution time is very close to
> > the minimum execution time) and they are RTSJ-Safe.
> > They have some additional characteristics such as thread-safe
> > without synchronization, support for custom key/value comparators,
> > direct record iterations (faster than iterators), recyclable,
> > reduced impact on GC (fragmentation or large arrays allocations),
> > support for custom entry implementation (FastMap) or custom node
> > implementation (FastList), etc.>>
> >
> > See also 
> >
> >
> > Maybe knowning the real reason(s?) it was integrated in OFBiz would
> > be cool, does not look like a big deal tough, am'I wrong ?
> >
> > Jacques
> >
> > De : "Adrian Crum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> I just spent some time running performance tests on FastMaps and
> >> HashMaps. Calling the get methods
> >> showed no speed difference. The Javalution classes seem to have a
> >> speed advantage in building Maps
> >> and Lists. They claim their FastSet.removeLast method is faster
> >> than the Java library. So, there is
> >> a speed advantage in certain scenarios, but not in all cases.
> >>
> >> -Adrian
> >>
> >> Sumit Pandit wrote:
> >>
> >>> *i have a question please make me correct if i am wrong :-*
> >>>
> >>> if we compare  FastMap Vs HashMap,
> >>>
> >>> *FastMap is faster than HashMap so long as the map is long lived and
> >>> relatively predictable in size. If you try to use it as a short-
> >>> lived
> >>> general replacement for HashMap it may very well kill your
> >>> performance.
> >>>
> >>> *I found these lines some where in Google.
> >>> so does it mean that we should use HashMap for local variables ?
> >>>
> >>> Also please explain me the performance issue if we use HashMap
> >>> rather then
> >>> FastMap.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for suggestion.
> >>>
> >>
> >

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