All I can say is that you rock!

Someone had went into the admin tool and attempted to add some email addresses to be cc. They put it in the wrong place in the form.

Looking at the UI for the email settings, I would recommend that each textfield have a label, even if it's repeated so that each textfield is clearly labeled.


On Jan 19, 2008, at 2:31 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:

Seems the demo data needs to have content-type data added
change the ftl to add a input box with the default inputted, then use
put input box in to the parms or even update the

BJ Freeman sent the following on 1/19/2008 11:18 AM:
The reason is that the content is gotten from the
and there is no context specified.
the code says
class="tabletext">${productStoreEmailSetting.contentType? default("text/html")}</div>

so it will show the text/html even if
productStoreEmailSetting.contentType ==null

The short fix is to fill in the context in the email for the product
store you are using
you will see the content type empty.

This should be filled in for the Demo Store data.

Phillip Rhodes sent the following on 1/19/2008 8:46 AM:
Using my browser, I went to the ordermgr webapplication

Clicked on an order in the order list

On the order screen ( ordermgr/control/orderview), right-hand side, under the "Contact Information" heading, there is a link for "(Send a confirmation email)"

Clicked on the "Send a confirmation email" link

On the "Send a confirmation email" screen (ordermgr/control/confirmationmailedit?orderId=WS10130&partyId=10111&[EMAIL PROTECTED] ), I hit the "send" button, and get the errors that I described earlier.

I appreciate the attention.

----- Original Message -----
From: "BJ Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 10:42:58 PM (GMT-0500) America/ New_York Subject: Re: javax.mail.internet.ParseException when sending email from ofbiz?

can you give the steps on how you created the email.

Phillip Rhodes sent the following on 1/18/2008 10:44 AM:
I am using the ordermgr to send an email out. The email fails and displays this in the ordermgr:

The Following Errors Occurred:
Cannot send email message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] cc [null] bcc [null] subject [Test - Order Confirmation #WS10130]

The total stack trace is below. In the ordermgr screen, there is a Content-Type field, but it does not appear to have a value. I am wondering if the null value being set as the ContentType is the source of this problem.

Hopefully someone has experienced this and found a way to fix it, or it's another lost weekend for me...

---- exception report ---------------------------------------------------------- Cannot send email message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] cc [EMAIL PROTECTED] bcc [null] subject [Test - Order Confirmation #WS10130]
Exception: javax.mail.internet.ParseException
Message: null
---- stack trace ---------------------------------------------------------------
javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart.updateHeaders( 1249) javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage.updateHeaders( 2012)
javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage.saveChanges( 227)
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
sun .reflect .NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( sun .reflect .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl .invoke(
org .ofbiz .service .engine.StandardJavaEngine.serviceInvoker( 91) org .ofbiz .service .engine.StandardJavaEngine.runSync( org .ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync( 344) org .ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync( 211) org .ofbiz.service.GenericDispatcher.runSync( 136) org .ofbiz .webapp.event.ServiceEventHandler.invoke( 305) org .ofbiz.webapp.control.RequestHandler.runEvent( 446) org .ofbiz .webapp.control.RequestHandler.doRequest( org.ofbiz.webapp.control.ControlServlet.doGet( 189) org .ofbiz.webapp.control.ControlServlet.doPost(
org .apache .catalina .core .ApplicationFilterChain .internalDoFilter( org .apache .catalina .core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( 173) org .ofbiz.webapp.control.ContextFilter.doFilter( 248) org .apache .catalina .core .ApplicationFilterChain .internalDoFilter( org .apache .catalina .core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( 173) org .apache .catalina .core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke( org .apache .catalina .core.StandardContextValve.invoke( org .apache .catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke( org .apache .catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke( org .apache .catalina .core.StandardEngineValve.invoke( org .apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve.invoke( 541) org .apache .catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service( org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler.invoke( 199)
org .apache .jk.common.ChannelSocket.processConnection( org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket $SocketConnection.runIt( org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool $

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