Hello All, Look at this code :-
controller entry :- <request-map uri="showFixedAssetDepreciation"> <security https="true" auth="true"/> <event type="simple" invoke="calculateFixedAssetDepreciation" path="org/ofbiz/accounting/fixedasset/FixedAssetServices.xml"/> <response name="success" type="view" value="ShowFixedAssetDepreciation"/> <response name="depreciationMtdNotAvail" type="request" value="depreciationMethodAssignment"/> <response name="error" type="view" value="ShowFixedAssetDepreciation"/> </request-map> For such responce i use following code in simple method :- <add-error><fail-property resource="AccountingUiLabels" property="AccountingReqDepMtdAssignment"/></add-error> <check-errors error-code="depreciationMtdNotAvail"/> After execution of these lines the code is returned successfully and request "depreciationMethodAssignment" is called properly but the error message which I added is not being displayed. But if I simply use <check-errors/> than the added error is displayed properly. Can some one suggest me that if i missed something. Thanks for suggestion. -- Sumit Pandit