there are a couple of approaches.
I suggest you look at the orders status  and tasks and how they gets
their info.
then use a template like
and how to populate it in
to generate your xml files like you want them.

then write a service that you can schedule.

look at the code used for this UI on how to do this.

ladroge sent the following on 3/18/2008 1:11 AM:
> Hi 
> I want to have every day all information about orders in my ERP.
> Can i know how to plan it in order to have each days in an XML file all
> informations about different order of the Demo company or my company.
> I know how to get informations from the database(Import or Export XML).
> My preoccupation is to know how to plan this weekly or daily or during some
> minutes or hours.
> Thanks

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