Have you had a look at http://docs.ofbiz.org/display/OFBIZ/FAQ+-+Tips+-+Tricks+-+Cookbook+-+HowTo#FAQ-Tips-Tricks-Cookbook-HowTo-Soap ?


From: "Roberto Cosenza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I'm trying to run a simple webservice test using a php client.
The method I want to run is "getOrderStatus" but i get

"Request SOAPService caused an error with the following message: Error
calling event: org.ofbiz.webapp.event.EventHandlerException: Cannot
locate service by name (orderId) (Cannot locate service by name
which is strange since the name of the service is "getOrderStatus" and
not "orderId"....

This is the calling code:


$wsdlurl = "
$wsdl = new SOAP_WSDL( $wsdlurl);
$proxy = $wsdl->getProxy();

$params = array('orderId' => "1");
$resp = $proxy->getOrderStatus($params);


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