Hi Chris,

Did you try to use -Djava.ext.dirs ? Not sure it's still right but you may be interested by this http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/java/extensions.html


From: "Christopher L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Now that you mention the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext directory...

I haven't always had success when directions call for putting files in that 
directory.  In particular, the only way I was able to
get my cash drawer working in linux is to put the serial port configuration 
file (javax.comm.properties) in the classpath.
According to the instructions, that file should have been fine in 

I haven't experienced the particular problem you mention though.


Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2008 19:21:57 -0400
To: user@ofbiz.apache.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: POS - Printer problems continued

What is the contents of your $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext directory?   It's
contents (after running the Epson installer) made evident some interesting
classpath paradoxes in the way jpos is intialized.  I have several theories
about this that I am attempting to understand.  To test one theory, I moved
the jpos.xml file so that it resides on the bootclasspath rather than in
specialpurpose/pos/config, to my surprise this FIXED the problem!

On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 4:30 PM, Jacques Le Roux <

> It should work, send us more of your log around the error. Did you check
> carefully your jpos.xml file ?
> Jacques
> From: "Branden Strickland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Hello all, hope everyone is well.
> >
> > I'm getting the typical "message: Service does not exist in loaded JCL
> > registry" apon booting the POS, but i've changed my pos-container.xml
> > file
> > as stated below back to the NullReceipt setting.  It still won't boot.
> > (config file below)
> >
> > Would there be anything else stopping me?  Must I rebuild the
> > enviroment, or
> > something I'm missing?
> >
> > Thanks gents!
> >
> > <container name="jpos.device-container"
> > class="org.ofbiz.pos.container.JposDeviceContainer">
> >       <property name="CashDrawer.1" value="NullCashDrawer"/>
> >       <property name="Receipt" value="NullReceipt"/>
> >       <property name="Keyboard" value="GenericKeyboard"/>
> >       <property name="Scanner" value="GenericScanner"/>
> >       <property name="Msr" value="TestMsr"/>
> >       <property name="PinPad" value="[NOT IMPLEMENTED]"/>
> >       <property name="Journal" value="[NOT IMPLEMENTED]"/>
> >       <property name="LineDisplay" value="[NOT IMPLEMENTED]"/>
> >       <property name="CheckScanner" value="[NOT IMPLEMENTED]"/>
> >       <property name="SignatureCapture" value="[NOT IMPLEMENTED]"/>
> >   </container>
> >
> >

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