I like your eshop very much !
It is the like I am trying to achieve too.

Could you please tell what modifications was necessary to achieve the final


2008/4/19, Raj Saini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Best way is to associate the products with roles.
> 1. Create roles Author and Publisher.
> 2. Create your Party (Author or Publisher in Party Manager).
> 3. Associate them with the product with ProductRole.
> I did this for my site and you can see it working at
> http://www.ibaazar.com/. You can search the product based on author as
> well as publisher.
> Thanks,
> Raj
> Pesquisas wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm creating an entity Book to add the relation with author and
> > publisher.  The best way to do that is extending the product (how do I
> > do that?) or modifying the product itself (books are the only thing we
> > sell)?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Petterson
> >
> >
> >

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