Yes, it was!

Thank you

2008/4/19, Raj Saini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> It may be the error is not caused by the said xml fragment. It may due to
> catalog/store or catalog/category association.
> Raj
> Bruno Busco wrote:
> > I am trying to write an xml data file for my ecommerce application in
> > order
> > to have all store information, product category and catalogs in a data
> > file.
> > I started from the ecommerce DemoProducts.xml file. I use the webtools
> > to
> > import the ext data but I get the following error I do not understand:
> >
> > -----------
> > Checking data in [file:/F:/ofbiz/hot-deploy/eshop/data/Store.xml]
> > Entity [ProdCatalog] record not found for pk:
> > [GenericEntity:ProdCatalog][prodCatalogId,VARIEGCAT(java.lang.String)]
> > ---------------
> > the xml line in my data file is the following:
> > <ProdCatalog prodCatalogId="VARIEGCAT" catalogName="Catalogo Variegomme"
> > useQuickAdd="Y"/>
> >
> > I do not understand why ofbiz is trying to search for the ProdCatalog.
> > Shouldn't it create a record instead of searching for it?
> >
> > Many thanks,
> >
> > -Bruno
> >
> >
> >

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