
I think you are confused between JPos and JavaPos. I don't know much about POS, but I think it is JavaPos which is used and not the JPos. JPos is totally different beast that is implementation ISO-8583 protocol which is a low level messaging protocol between devices like ATM and financial switches/hubs.

You can know more about JavaPos (



Johnny Kewl wrote:
Newbie: Still dangerous ;)

Guys I'm struggling to understand why JPos is even needed.
Just started playing with ofbiz, saw POS module, got excited, rushed out and got myself a symbol barcode scanner... and I see that when I plug it into the usb, it behaves just like a keyboard, no driver, no nothing needed. If I scan whichever and whatever type of of barcode... it reads it.

So I'm wondering what on earth JPos is supposed to do, why do we need it?

I'm thinking that if I rush out and get a printer... the thing is going to work just like any other printer and will work from word, or notepad, or swing... so we "just printing".

A terminal post... is probably just going to be a printer as well?
A credit card scanner... probably gives you the number?... like the keyboard again... or would be completely separate and chat to the bank... and the person behind the POS just records a credit sale, or something?

So what is JPos really doing for us... its just standard pc stuff?

One could turn Excel into a little POS... no?
I dont get it?
What makes Jpos really needed?

I read that is about standardizing... but a printer is a printer, a scanner is a keyboard, whats to standardize, its plug and play anyway? What is a cash drawer... probably print char Esc A to the printer... hardly reason for a standard? What am I missing?


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