On Jul 3, 2008, at 11:38 PM, Blue Sun wrote:


I am in charge of development for major Linux-based Java language niche SaaS system in the e-commerce supply-chain domain. It has a wide customer base, an excellent reputation in the industry, and is growing steadily. We are planning to expand it by adding Order Entry, Inventory, Accounting, and other functions that are documented as services in OFBiz. Later, in phase II, we will be adding functionality like online Catalog, Ordering, and Shopping Cart modules.

I am looking at several solutions, from creating this project from scratch to using a dependable open-source framework like OFBiz.

We would be integrating the OFBiz functionality behind our own JSP GUI and a Struts M-V-C presentation tier. We also use Hibernate and Oracle 10i as our data tier.

We would be moving our application server platform to JBoss when we build this additional functionality into our system.

I would like to hear the experiences of other developers who have used OFBiz strictly as a business tier framework and integrated it into a custom presentation front end and data persistence back end.

You may ask to Dr Frankenstein for an advice :-)


How difficult is it to implement only what we will need?
What is the learning curve like?
Is the granularity sufficient that we can use it for the specific business domain functions we want, and not carry around a lot of unnecessary code baggage?

How easy is it to modify to fit our own architectural and business models?

How easy is it to integrate specific modules into existing systems?

Any advice, encouragement, or dire warnings would be appreciated.

- Blue Sun

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