Okay, it's not a UI issue, it's a misunderstanding of how requests are handled.

If the behavior you are looking for is to have a user fill out a form, click submit, and then proceed to another screen, then you'll have to set up things differently in your controller.xml file. Take a look at how some of the other forms are set up, what request-maps they use, and how the responses are set up.


Grant Edwards wrote:
Sorry this one,

Sorry, this one.

<request-map uri="category">
      <security https="false" auth="false"/>
      <response name="success" type="view" value="category"/>

Adrian Crum wrote:
I'll need to see the request-map you have set up for the category event.


Grant Edwards wrote:
Hi Adrian

Got the following lines in categoryDetails.bsh

startDate = parameters.get("startDate");
System.out.println("-------> parameters length = " + parameters.size());
System.out.println("-------> startDate = " + startDate);

but unfornately the output is as follows:

-------> parameters length = 49
-------> startDate = null



Adrian Crum wrote:
The startDate input element will become a request parameter when the form is posted. So, in bsh:

startDate = parameters.get("startDate");
// Do something with startDate


Grant Edwards wrote:

Forgive me, I am no UI person, but do need a little help here.

I have this little form, below, which captures a startDate. When the button is pressed it redirects to the category page and will then display products based on the startDate. In categoryDetails.bsh I would like to access to this startDate, but currently not sure if this is possible.

Any help would be appreciated.

Kind regards

Grant Edwards

<form method="post" action="<@ofbizUrl>category</@ofbizUrl>" name="addform" style="margin: 0;">

   <table width="100%">
<td class="tabletext" nowrap align="right">Start Date<br/>(yyyy-mm-dd)</td><td><input type="text" class="inputBox" size="10" name="startDate" value="2008-07-24"/></td>

<a href="<@ofbizUrl>category/<#if categoryId?exists>~category_id=${categoryId}/</#if></@ofbizUrl>" class="buttontext">${uiLabelMap.EcommerceSearch}</a>


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