unless someone else takes interest I will poke around to see how it
works or is suppose to work
may take a week or two

Nathan C Hampton sent the following on 7/24/2008 1:54 PM:
> Well, I'm getting it with trunk revision 678902.  UOM_Conversion table
> seems to have the appropriate entries, so I don't know what's going on.
> --NCH
> On 23 Jul 2008, at 3:06 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:
>> had this error ver 3.0 thought we fixed it.
>> Nathan C Hampton sent the following on 7/23/2008 2:51 PM:
>>> Hi!  I've created a shipping cost estimate with an "Order Flat Price"
>>> and a "Weight Unit Price".  The weight UOM for the shipping cost
>>> estimate is Pound (avdp).  Then I created an order for 10 of an item
>>> that has Product Weight = 1 and Weight UOM = Ounce (avdp).  When I get
>>> to the place where it calculates the shipping estimate, however, it
>>> gives me a price for shipping 11 pounds, rather than the 1 pound it
>>> actually should weigh.  It appears that it's using the total of the
>>> product weight field (10) with the UOM for the shipping estimate
>>> (pound), rather than using the UOM specified for the product weights
>>> (ounce).  Doesn't OFBiz check UOMs and make the appropriate conversions
>>> when doing these calculations?  Do I have to always use the same weight
>>> UOM?
>>> --NCH
>>> PS--My assumption is that it's calculating for 11 pounds instead of 10
>>> because I made a mistake when I set it up, so I'm not worried about
>>> that.

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