From: "adithi agarwal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hii all
I have a question can some one help me out please
Cant I put 2 ofbiz projs in a single workspace.
You just need to have different names for them. Actually at the moment I have at least 5 OFBiz instances in the same Eclipse
Of course then you have to deal with them, but should be easy since OFBizRun is
not the same as OFBizDev for instance...
Actually I have my application1 in one ofbiz and application2(same as application1 with few changes) in other ofbiz but in same
When I run the first Ofbiz in eclipse, I think its running the application2 in second ofbiz...Iam confused...Is it not correct to
place 2 different ofbiz frameworks in single frame work.
This should not happen as they have not the same pathes. Check this point in
your code (static links ?)