have you looked at the confirmed order email.
seems your duplicating it function.

Ritesh Trivedi wrote:
I guess I could have been bit more clear in asking the question...

I actually meant request object (HttpServletRequest) passed to the groovy
script. As it seems like its an implicit object or getting passed somehow
that I cant figure out.

I will try to be more explicit. I am calling sendEmailFromScreen service and
passing it one of the screen names.
Here is the screen definition
<screens xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.ofbiz.org/dtds/widget-screen.xsd";>
    <screen name="EmailFullCart">
                <set field="titleProperty" value="PageTitleShoppingCart"/>
                <set field="headerItem" value="Shopping Cart"/>

As you can see one of the actions is ShowCart.groovy which is an existing
groovy script in ecommerce demo app and here is the first line of that

// Get the Cart and Prepare Size
shoppingCart = ShoppingCartEvents.getCartObject(request);

I get request property not set for ShowCart error while passing this screen
to be rendered with sendMailFromScreen from my java code.
So my original question was how is request object passed to Groovy script,
Looking at the existing calls it doesnt look like it is passed in the
context while calling the service or is it done by ServiceEventHandler. Can
someone more familiar with the topic shed some light?

King-of-mabs wrote:
Hi ,
I am not confirm but let you check this that whether you set property for
your groovy file or not. and So then please post your console or screen
error in mail.

Ravindra Mandre

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